A seawatch produced Arctic Skua, Gannets, Merganser, Common and Sandwich Terns, Cormorants and an elusive seal.
There had been reports of a flock of Lapland Bunting in the area but we felt lucky to have found just one, which was skulking in the vegetation at the top of the dunes. When it was in full view it was a beautiful little bird but it did not stay still for long.
The North Hide produced the usual suspects - Teal, Cormorants, Gadwall along with a Little Stint close by. Another spell of seawatching before we walked back down the road to the visitor centre produced a trio of Common Scoter fairly close to the shore.
We then went west along the coast to Thornham Harbour where we found Spoonbill, Oystercatchers, various Gulls and waders feeding on the exposed mud of the estuary.
These were all seen as we walked to Holme NOA where a Barred Warbler had been seen earlier in the afternoon.
Unfortunately for us it was a 'no show' but Coal Tit, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Blue Tit, Great Tit and Dunnock did their best to entertain us while we waited. The return walk produced Kingfisher and Pied Wagtail.
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